GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management
Geographic Information Systems: Applications in Natural Resource
Management is intended for introductory-course students in forestry
and natural resource management, field forestry, biology, and other
natural resource or natural resource-related fields. The emphasis of
this book is on the application of Geographic Information systems (GIS).
It provides detailed coverage of GIS operations such as querying,
buffering, clipping, and overlay analysis; as well as background
information on the history of GIS, database creation, editing and
acquisition, and map development. The applications provided can be
extended to any region of the world, although the primary emphasis is on
the U.S. and Canada. This book also examines current GIS trends, and the
opportunities and challenges likely to face GIS users.
This is the WWW page for the text book "GIS Applications in Natural
Resource Management." You'll find spatial databases, lecture notes, and
other supporting material for the book at this WWW.